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fetchcareplan Service REST rule

The fetchcareplan Service REST rule exposes the REST APIs that can be called by another application to invoke an action or to retrieve data from Pega Care Management.

The following figure shows the fetchcareplan Service REST rule:

This figure shows the fetchcareplan Service REST rule.

fetchcareplan Service REST rule


The Methods tab of the fetchcareplan rule form defines the GET method.

On the Methods tab, the values in the configured Resource path and Query string fields form and call the appropriate endpoint system URL. The values in the _id (Care Plan ID) and subject (Member ID) parameters are passed as Query string parameters, which convert the endpoint URL as shown in the following example:

http://<<hostname>>:<<port>>/prweb/api/CMAServices/v1/fetchcareplan?_id= &subject=

The following figure shows the Methods tab of the fetchcareplan rule, which defines the GET method:

This figure shows the Methods tab of the fetchcareplan rule

Methods tab of the fetchcareplan rule

MapFromCarePlan Data Transform

The GetCarePlan service activity that is defined on the Methods tab in the Service REST rule calls the MapFromCarePlan Data Transform rule to map the care plan data, as shown in the following figure:


GetCarePlan activity and MapFromCarePlan Data Transform

Mapping data

The MapFromCarePlan Data Transform maps the care plan data from the pega careplan work object to the FHIR careplan integration data model. The MapFromCarePlan Data Transform rule is marked as final, which means that you cannot override this rule in your layer. However, you can use the Pre_MapFromCarePlan_EXT and Post_MapFromCarePlan_EXT Data Transforms for any extensions in your layer. Both rules are marked for the extension.


Extension Data Transforms