Frequently asked questions about volume constraints
- Last UpdatedAug 25, 2023
- 2 minute read
Frequently asked questions about volume constraints
See the following topics for additional information, tips and tricks, and best practices.
Can I use volume constraints with action bundles?
Yes. If you grouped any of your actions into bundles, all volume constraints apply to the action which you marked as the bundle parent, that is, the main offering of the bundle. If the parent action passes the volume constraint, all child actions for the bundle also pass. If the parent action does not pass the volume constraint, all child actions for the bundle are also rejected. Child actions are not processed as individual items during volume constraints.
How can I migrate volume constraints rules from one environment to another?
Use revision management for migrating rules between the environments. For more information, see Managing business changes.
What is the difference between contact policies and volume constraints
Contact policies and volume constraints are based on a different context.
Contact policies have a subject context, which means that they are limited for each contact. For example, if you set a contact policy for 10 emails each week, it means that each customer can get no more than 10 emails per week.
Volume constraints are applied across the entire application. For example, if you set a limit of 10 emails per week, it means that any outbound run using that constraint can only send a collective total of 10 emails that week. The customer context is irrelevant for volume constraints.
How does volume constraints processing work for multiple customer context and
multi-level context?
Pega Customer Decision Hub™ groups volume constraints on the same level as it executes the outbound run, by interactionID. The level of your outbound run determines how often a new interactionID is generated. An account-level run will share one interaction for all decisions from the strategy executed for that account. When it comes to volume constraints, this means that in mode one, Pega Customer Decision Hub will only output one item for each interaction, so one per account in an account-level outbound run.
Can I use existing volume constraints after enabling the Decision Data Store as action
state storage?
No, the volume constraints configured before enabling Decision Data Store as action state storage are no longer applicable. This is because different options are available for volume constraints when Decision Data Store is enabled or disabled for action state storage. When enabled, you cannot select how to treat multiple actions for a customer or set a minimum volume for a constraint. Configure new volume constraints. For more information, see Creating a volume constraint.
On this page
- Can I use volume constraints with action bundles?
- How can I migrate volume constraints rules from one environment to another?
- What is the difference between contact policies and volume constraints
- How does volume constraints processing work for multiple customer context and
multi-level context?
- Can I use existing volume constraints after enabling the Decision Data Store as action
state storage?