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List of settings in Pega Robot Manager

Ensure that you understand the purpose and the default values of settings in Robot Manager.
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Settings for Notifications

The following tables describe the settings on the Notifications landing page. For more information, see Modifying Notification thresholds, intervals, and recipients.


The following settings are inherited by default from the built-on application:
Table 1. Notifications > Thresholds
Threshold Threshold figure (default) Purpose
Robot automation execution is 20% longer than expected See the relevant threshold in the Notification column. If the system reaches a threshold, Pega Robot Manager sends an appropriate Notification to users through a web gadget or email.
Robot queue is at 80% of capacity
Robotic automation reached 80% of service-level agreement (SLA) deadline
Robot automation failure count is 80% of threshold
Robot consecutive automation failure count is 80% of threshold
Robot reached 80% of not ready threshold


The following setting applies to all applications in the system:
Table 2. Notifications > Intervals
Interval Interval period (default) Purpose
Notification alert 30 minutes The Notification alert interval prevents the system from sending repeated Notifications of the same type and possibly for the same operator. The interval defines the period of time that must pass before the same Notification is re-sent.


The following setting applies to all applications in the system:
Table 3. Notifications > Recipients
Notification Notification figure (default) Purpose
Robot automation execution is 20% longer than expected See the relevant threshold in the Notification column.
Notification is:
  • sent when an Automation has exceeded the maximum Automation execution time as defined in the Work Queue settings.
  • generated as soon as the robot POST the result of the Automation and takes more than 20% of maximum execution time.
Robot automation failure count is 80% of threshold
Notification is:
  • sent when the number of failures by a given robot reaches 80% of the threshold defined in the work group settings.
  • generated as soon as the robot POST the result (Did not complete) for the Automation and the robot completed a minimum of five Assignments and the Assignments failure % for the robot reaches the % value specified in the work group settings in the current pegarobotics/RuntimeEvaluationTimeInterval DSS.
Robot loses connectivity
Notification is:
  • sent when a robot loses connectivity with Robot Manager.
  • generated whenRobot Manager did not receive two consecutive heartbeat messages from the robot.
  • generated by a job scheduler, pyMonitorRobotCommandAndHeartbeat.
Robot consecutive automation failure count is 80% of threshold
Notification is:
  • sent when the number of consecutive failures by a given robot reaches 80% (by default) of the value specified in the work group settings.
  • generated as soon as the robot POST the result (Did not complete) for the Automation and the Assignments failure count for the robot reached the % value defined in Settings > Notifications > Thresholds > Robot consecutive automation failure count of the value defined in the work group's Consecutive failures threshold property.
Note that the robot assignments failures count is reset at every restart.
Robot reached 80% of not ready threshold
Notification is:
  • sent when the robot reaches 80% (by default) of the Not ready status threshold.
  • sent if the time elapsed from the not ready start date time reaches the % value defined in the Settings > Unattended RPA > Not ready threshold.
  • is taken into account from the time that the robot sends the first heartbeat message with the application status set to false.

Note that the the system resets the robot's not ready start time if a robot heartbeat message with application status set to true is received by Robot Manager.

RPA Service not heartbeating
Notification is:
  • sent when Pega RPA Service loses connectivity with Robot Manager.
  • only considered when one of the robots monitored by Pega RPA Service has an active schedule.
  • generated if RPA service Pega RPA Service fails to send two consecutive heartbeats to Robot Manager.
  • generated by a job scheduler, pyProcessRobotScheduleActions.
Robotic assignments reach 80% of SLA deadline
Notification is:
  • sent when a robotic assignment reaches 80% (by default) of its SLA deadline.
  • generated when the time elapsed from when the Assignment was created reaches the Robotic automation SLA deadline % of its SLA deadline time.
  • generated by a job scheduler, pyPublishPastSLAAssignments.

Click Settings > Notifications > Thresholds to see the % deadline.

Robot automation timed out
Notification is:
  • sent when the robot fails to process the Assignment within the time frame defined in the assignment type settings.
  • generated when the time elapsed from when the robot started processing the Assignment exceeds two times the maximum execution time set for the assignment type.
  • generated by a job scheduler, pyRoboticAssignmentProcessing

When the maximum execution time is exceeded, the Assignment is pulled from the robot and sent to the time-out work basket. Click Unattended > Issues > Time-outs to view Assignments in the time-out work basket.

Robotic assignment past SLA deadline
Notification is:
  • sent when a robotic Automation goes past its defined SLA deadline.
  • generated when the robotic Assignment has not been processed within its defined SLA.
  • is generated by a job scheduler, pyPublishPastSLAAssignments
You can define an SLA in any one of the following ways:
  • on the Assign to robot queue smart shape
  • for the Robot Manager assignment type
  • by accepting the default SLA value of 3 hours.
Robot queue is at 80% of capacity
Notification is:
  • sent when the robot queue is at 80% of its capacity.
  • generated when the number of Assignments in the assignment type reaches 80% of its defined maximum capacity.
  • generated by the user who created the Automation.
Scheduling service is down
Notification is:
  • sent when the scheduling agent is down.
  • generated when the pyProcessRobotScheduleActions job scheduler is down.
  • generated by a different job scheduler, pyNotifyRobotSchedulingSvcDown.
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Settings for Data retention

The following tables describe the settings on the Data retention landing page. For more information, see Modifying intervals for data retention.

Operational Statistics

If you set Data ingestion to all the following levels of detail, this requires significant database storage. Disable any level of detail that you do not need in the following settings:
Table 4. Data Retention > Operational Statistics > Data ingestion
Usage interval Enabled (default) Purpose
Ingest hourly usage statistics True The system stores usage information by the hour, which allows for reporting at hourly intervals.
Ingest daily usage statistics True The system stores usage information by the day, which allows for reporting at daily intervals.
Ingest monthly usage statistics True The system stores usage information by the month, which allows for reporting at monthly intervals.
Ingest yearly usage statistics True The system stores usage information by the year, which allows for reporting at yearly intervals.
The following settings are inherited by default from Pega Robot Manager:
Table 5. Data Retention > Operational Statistics > Data archiving
Data archiving settings Interval (default) Purpose
Health data 7 days

Settings define the period of time for which these statistics and operational data are saved.

Exceptions 45 days
Usage data: hourly 48 hours
Usage data: daily 30 days
Usage data: monthly 24 months
Usage data: yearly 4 years
The following settings are inherited by default from Pega Robot Manager:
Table 6. Data Retention > Operational Statistics > Data purging
Data purging settings Interval (default) Purpose
Health data 14 days

Settings define the period of time for which these statistics and operational data are saved in the archive tables.

Exceptions 60 days
Usage data: hourly 96 hours
Usage data: daily 60 days
Usage data: monthly 48 months
Usage data: yearly 8 years

Usage telemetry

The following settings are inherited by default from the built-on application:

Table 7. Data Retention > Usage telemetry > Data purging
Data purging settings Interval (default) Purpose
Daily robotics telemetry data retention 1 month

These settings define the period of time for the applicable data is saved in the Usage telemetry tables.

Monthly robotics telemetry data retention 2 months
Yearly robotics telemetry data retention 1 year

Unattended RPA

The settings in the following tables apply to all applications in the system:

Table 8. Data Retention > Unattended RPA > Data archiving
Data archiving Interval (default) Purpose
Robotic work group and assignment type audit 90 days

Number of days to preserve audit data for work groups and assignment types before archiving.

Robot activity and underperforming robots 7 days

Number of days to preserve data for robot activity and underperforming robots before archiving.

Robot events 100 events per robot

Number of events per robot to preserve before archiving

Robot automations 10 Automations per robot

Number of Automations per robot to preserve before archiving

Table 9. Data Retention > Unattended RPA > Data purging
Data purging Interval (default) Purpose
Robotic work group and assignment type audit 90 days

Number of days to preserve audit data for work groups and assignment types before archiving.

Robot activity and underperforming robots 365 days

Number of days to preserve data for robot activity and underperforming robots before purging.

Robot events and automations 90 days

Number of days to preserve records for robot events and Automations entries before purging.

Attended RPA

The settings in the following tables apply to all applications in the system:

Table 10. Data Retention > Attended RPA > Data archiving
Data archiving Enabled (default) Purpose
Attended RPA audit 30 days

Number of days to preserve attended Automation audit data before archiving.

Table 11. Data Retention > Attended RPA > Data purging
Data purging Interval (default) Purpose
Attended RPA audit 90 days

Number of days to preserve attended Automation audit data before purging.

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Settings for Attended RPA

The following tables describe the settings on the Attended RPA landing page. For more information, see Modifying Dashboard and Attended RPA settings.


The following settings are inherited by default from the built-on application:
Table 12. Attended RPA > Dashboard
Application setting Interval (default) Purpose
Goal for usage trend 65 % Defines the thresholds for settings that are displayed on the Dashboard.
Goal percentage of users using Attended RPA 98 %
Percentage for average health 95 %
Percentage for good health 75 %


The following setting is inherited by default from the built-on application:
Table 13. Attended RPA > Intervals
Interval name Interval period (default) Purpose
Attended RPA heartbeat interval 3600 seconds Defines the time period between system heartbeats for attended Automations.
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Settings for Unattended RPA

The following tables describe the settings on the Unattended RPA landing page. For more information, see Modifying settings for Unattended RPA.

Intervals and thresholds

The following settings apply to all applications in the system:
Table 14. Unattended RPA > Intervals and thresholds
Usage interval Interval/threshold (default) Purpose
RPA service heartbeat 30 seconds Defines the time period between system heartbeats for unattended Automations.
Not ready threshold 10 minutes Defines how long a robot can spend in the APPLICATION NOT READY status before being stopped by Robot Manager.
Allowed wait time for robot registration 120 seconds Defines the expected time for the RPA service to start up Runtime.
Robot heartbeat 30 seconds Defines the frequency at which the robot sends the heartbeat message to the Pega server. The value is also used to deliver Stop commands, Profile commands, and to notify that there is a change in settings.
Underperforming robot timeout 60 minutes If a robot is stopped by the system because the robot is underperforming, the robot cannot be restarted in the same work group until after this timeout period expires.
Max starts issued per schedule action 4 starts Defines the maximum number of attempts to start a robot on the basis of a schedule. In this case, the START command can be issued either by configuring a MOVE Action or by any other Action on the basis of a schedule.
Auto-balancing evaluation interval 60 minutes Defines the time period that is used to analyze the SLAs of open Assignments. The auto-balancing engine takes into account the next three evaluation intervals to determine workload trends in a work group, and therefore to calculate the number of robots that are needed to complete existing work on time.
Alert evaluation time 60 minutes By comparing the rate at which robots are processing Assignments against the Alert evaluation time, the system determines whether robots are HEALTHY or UNDERPERFORMING.
Timeout interval for robot command to be completed 60 seconds The system uses this interval and the RPA service heartbeat interval to determine the timeout interval for the START command that is sent to a robot.

Robot registration

The settings in the following tables apply to the current application:

Table 15. Unattended RPA > Robot Registration > Work group and robot mapping
Item Value Purpose
Robot <name of Robot> Settings define the work group assigned to a robot’s operator ID.
Work group <name of work group>
Default work group <name of default work group> Name of default work group
Table 16. Unattended RPA > Robot Registration > Work group and requestor mapping
Item Value Purpose
Requestor <name of requestor> Setting defines the default work group assigned to the robots registration operator ID.
Work group <name of work group>

Default work group

<name of default work group> Name of default work group.
Table 17. Unattended RPA > Robot Registration > Work group and Access Group mapping
Item Value Purpose
Work group <name of work group> Setting defines the default Access Group assigned to the robots current work group.
Access group <name of Access Group>
Default Access Group <name of default Access Group> Name of default Access Group.
Table 18. Unattended RPA > Robot Registration > Candidate work group and requestor mapping
Item Value Purpose
Dispatch operator Robot Manager system administrator Setting defines the List of work groups that a robot can work in, based on the registration operator that the robot registers with. This List of work groups is used when moving and scheduling robots. The robot is expected to be provisioned with all applications and credentials required to run Automations for all work groups listed. This is evaluated every time that a robot registers.
Candidate work group list <List of candidate work groups>
Default candidate work group list List of default candidate work groups> Default candidate work groups.
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Settings for Packages

The following tables describe the settings on the Packages landing page. For more information, see Modifying package and asset settings.


The following settings apply to packages in Pega Robot Manager:
Table 19. Package settings > General
Application settings Inherited from Value Purpose
Package binary repository Pega Robot Manager <package binary repository> Pega Robot Studio publishes all package binaries to Pega Robot Manager by using this repository.

Signing and encryption

To enable or disable signing and encryption for both autogenerated and custom mode, turn on the Enable/Disable signing and Enable/Disable encryption switches. In addition, the following settings apply to using custom mode for the purposes of signing and encryption:
Table 20. Package settings > Signing and encryption > Custom settings
Application settings Inherited from Value Purpose
Package Security keystore Current application <Package Security keystore> Defines location of Security keystore for packages.
Package signing auth profile Current application <Package signing auth profile> Defines location of signing Authentication Profile for packages.
Package encryption auth profile Current application <Package encryption auth profile> Defines location of encryption Authentication Profile for packages.


The following settings apply to all applications in the system:
Table 21. Package settings > Assets
Application settings Inherited from Value Purpose
Supported asset types - One or more <asset types> in text format, where each value is separated by a comma. List of supported asset types.
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Settings for Usage telemetry

Ensure that you understand the purpose of the settings on the Usage telemetry landing page. For more information, see Usage Telemetry.

Usage telemetry

The Usage telemetry settings table displays the nominal number of unattended robots and attended users that are available for use in robot manager in a given year. The numbers are used to display the usage baseline in the Usage telemetry graph, which allows you to see if Pega Robot Manager is making use of the number of robots and users that you expect.

In the settings table, it is a good practice to ensure that the values in the Unattended robot count and the Attended robot count columns are up-to-date.

Note: The above counts are only nominal, which means that, when using Pega Robot Manager, you can exceed the number of robots and users if that meets your business needs.