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General information

Updated on April 25, 2023

Use the General information tab to define the title, duration, member-type access, and content of a topic.


Topic titles should reflect your content. Topic titles are either conceptual or task-based.

Attention: Topic titles are limited to 60 characters.

Use the following best practices when naming your topics:

GuardrailsUse ThisAvoid This
Use sentence case for all topic titlesDefining the behavior of form elementsDefining the Behavior of Form Elements

Conceptual topics provide relevant and meaningful knowledge and use cases by relating what is being learned with what the learner already knows, and how the learner will use the concept on the job.

Conceptual topics are either role-based or product-based and typically use a noun.

App Studio

Automated emails

Pega Knowledge publishing process

App Studio Essentials

Overview of automated emails

Publishing process in Pega Knowledge

Task-based topics describe a simple procedure that provides learners with a list of steps to accomplish the task.

Task-based topic titles begin with an "-ing" verb.

Sending automated emails

Configuring a cascading approval

Editing a composite 360 field

How to send automated emails

Cascading approvals

Edit a composite 360 field

For information about creating video-based topics, see Adding video to Pega Academy content.


In the Duration field, enter the time a user needs to complete the topic, rounded up to the nearest five minutes. Estimate approximately 75 words per minute (wpm) to calculate the duration.

To count all the characters in the topic, copy the completed content to a text editor, Microsoft Word, or an online word counting app such as EasyWordCount. Then, take the calculated word count and divide it by 75 to obtain your duration.

Member-type access

Use Member-type access to determine who can view the topic.

Note: To provide access for all, leave the Member-type access checkboxes clear.

Select one or more member types.

Attention: A mission can only contain modules whose member-type access settings are equal to or less restrictive than the member-type access settings of the mission. For example, if the member-type access setting in the module is Pega only, the module can only be included in a mission whose member-type access setting is also Pega-only. If the member-type access setting in the mission is set to anything but Pega-only, you cannot include the Pega-only module in the mission.

For more information about member-type access settings, see the article Member-type access settings.

Organization access

The Organization Accessfield automatically populates to restrict viewing access of unpublished content to only members of your organization; the content is searchable from the Master Content list but is unable to be opened and edited.

Select the Bypass Organization Access to Allow members of other organizations check box to allow members outside your organization to edit the unpublished content.

Organization access field and bypass organization access check box
Note: Member-access settings override the organization bypass functionality. For example, if content is set to Pega-only, using the Bypass Organization check box does not work to allow Partner view or edit access.


In the Sections area, select a section type, as shown in the following figure:

The Sections options.
The Sections area with the list of options for topic sections.
  • Add Title and text
    Use the Title and text section type to add a section with a title and topic content.
  • Add H5P interaction
    Use an H5P interaction section type to add an interactive content type to the topic.
  • Add Text
    Use a Text section type to add a block of text that does not require a title.
  • Add Community article
    Use a Community article section type to include a Community article in the topic.
  • Add Knowledge Check
    Use a Learnosity interaction section type to add an interactive content type to the topic.
  • Add Zoomin article
    Use a Zoomin article section type to include a Pega Documentation article in the topic.
Important: Use only an Add Text section as the first section of your topic to include an introductory short description of the content. An Add Title and text section creates redundancy in header styles. For more information about writing short descriptions for topics, see Best practices for topics.

You can add multiple sections to a topic. It is recommended to add no more than 5 sections.

Click Save and continue editing to save your changes and continue editing or Save to save your changes and return to the topic view page.

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