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Updating product templates

Updated on April 12, 2021

When you need to make updates to your product templates, you can use Smart Update for one or multiple changes across many product templates. For example, you might need to add new benefits to your templates for the next year. After you modify the product template, you can automatically update the specified products and plans.

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Before you begin: Complete the steps in Launching Smart Update in the Configuring and launching Smart Update section.
During the product template update, you select product templates that you want to change, and then apply one of the following target actions:
  • Update the current version of an existing product template, for example, when you need to correct errors.
  • Replicate an existing product template, for example, when you want to add a new line of business, and most of the other information is the same as an existing product template.

    Replicating an existing product template involves creating a new product template that you copied from an existing product template. After the replication, the replicated product template is no longer connected to the existing product template.

  • Create a new version of an existing product template, for example, to add a new network.

    The system automatically increments the version of the new product template as either a major version, if you update the effective and end dates, or a minor version if you update parameters other than the dates.

Selecting product templates and target actions

Define the target actions for the product templates that you want to update.

  1. In the Select an entity field, click Product template, and then click Continue.
  2. On the Search product templates page, click Add product templates.
  3. In the Add product templates dialog box, complete the fields as needed for your search, and then click Search.
    To find the product templates that were built by using the specific benefit sets, you can search by benefit set. For example, you can search for product templates by insurance line or any of the advanced search fields.
  4. In the search results list, select the check boxes for the product templates that you want to update, and then click Submit.
  5. To add more product templates for update after the initial selection, in the Selected product templates section, click Add product templates and repeat step 4.
  6. Click Continue to select the target actions.
    Select only one action for your product templates. To avoid confusion in the Smart Update process, do not mix actions in the Smart Update case.
  7. In the Select target action step, in the Target action list, select an action.
  8. Select one or more product templates, complete the fields that are appropriate for your business needs, and then click Apply.
    Based on the selected target action, other fields are displayed for completion. For example, you can give your target entity a new name. When you replicate a product template, give the product template a new name. After the replication, the replicated product template is no longer connected to the existing product template.

    If your target action is Create new version, you can keep the same name for the entity but you must change the effective dates. If your target action is Replicate or Update current version, you must give the entity a new name even if the effective dates are different.

  9. Update the networks, network guardrails, and the selected benefit sets for a product template:
    1. Click the Open product template configuration icon at the end of the product template row.
    2. In the Configure a product template for smart update dialog box, in the Network list, add a network by selecting a network, and then click Add network.
    3. Based on your business requirements, for each network listed, in the PCP required list, modify the option as needed.
    4. Optional: To delete a network from the product template, click the Delete the network icon.
    5. In the Network guardrails section, modify or add a guardrail by clicking the Add a row icon.
    6. Optional: To keep the changes that you already made to other benefits, select the Update only check box.

      If you do not select this option, you lose the changes that you have already made to the product template.

    7. Click Submit.
  10. Repeat step 9 for all the product templates.
  11. Review the update information, and then click Finish.

Reviewing the selected product templates

When the system either updates existing entities or creates or replicates new entities, it determines if there are errors that you must correct before proceeding or displays warnings that are informational to you. For the warnings, you can make the determination on when is the appropriate time to correct the issues.

For more information, see Troubleshooting.

  1. Click Refresh.
  2. Based on the task in the Assignments section, click Begin to either correct errors in your product template selection or create your product template by following the steps in the table below.
    Review the product templates
    1. Review the benefit sets by clicking the name link in the Product Templates section.

      Read-only information is displayed in the tabs.

    2. Close the product template information window.
    3. In the Review created product templates for correct values section, click Submit.
    4. Follow the steps in Configuring metadata for product templates in this section.
    Correct the product template errors
    1. Hover over the Warning icon next to the product template.
    2. Determine whether you want to withdraw or fix the error.
    3. If you do not want to modify the product template or you cannot fix the error, withdraw the Smart Update case.
      1. Click Actions Withdraw.
      2. If Withdraw is not an available action, in the Actions menu, click Review and then click Actions again. Withdraw is now an available option.
    4. If you want to fix the issue later, for example, adding data to the Market segment field, continue this Smart Update case, and then add the data during subsequent steps or later when it is convenient for you.
    5. If you want to correct the error in the straight-through processing flow, fix the issue, and then return to the Smart Update flow to continue.

      For more information, see Product templates.

Configuring product templates

During configuration, you might perform one or more of these tasks in any order or you might not perform any of the following tasks:

Before you begin: Review About batches in the Batches and target actions section.

  • Configure metadata including the following items:
    • Product line
    • Line of business
    • Coverage level
    • Market segment
    • Exchange level
  • Configure benefit categories
  • Configure coverages

Configuring metadata for product templates

Define the product template batch by adding the product templates to the batch and then selecting the metadata options that you want to change.

  1. On the Configure product templates page, click the Configure Metadata tab, and then click Add product template batch.
  2. To rename the default batch name, click the Edit icon, and then enter the new name.
  3. If you want to copy the batch data from another batch, click the Copy batch data icon, and then choose an already configured batch.
  4. Expand the batch.
  5. On the right side of the page, click the Add product templates to batch icon.
  6. In the Select product templates for batch dialog box, select the product templates that you want to update with this batch, and then click Submit.

    You can use the Filter by fields to display a subset of the selected product templates. For example, you might want to add a market segment of Medium group to only some of the product templates, but not all. Click Define metadata to make your changes to the metadata.

    On the Edit template metadata page, select the option that you want to change from the list on the left, and then select the action from the list on the right side of the page. For example, you might want to add a new coverage level, such as Employee + Children, to some product templates.

    If you make a market segment change that applies to all 10 product templates, for example, a change from Large Group to Medium Group, define a product template metadata batch, select all the product templates, and remove the Large Group market segment. Then define another product template metadata batch, select the same product templates, and add the Medium Group market segment. These changes apply to all 10 product templates.

    Some fields allow for selection of multiple values, for example Coverage level, and have the following options:

    Append - The value that you select is added to the existing values

    Replace - The value that you select replaces the existing values

    Remove - The value that you select is removed

    Other fields where you can select only one option, for example Product line, have the actions Replace or No change. No change means that the existing value remains.

    The Exchange level field shows the actions of No change, Replace, or Remove.

  7. Complete the fields on the Edit product template metadata page, and then click Submit.
  8. Confirm your changes by clicking Save, and then proceed to configure the other tabs of information.

Configuring benefit categories

Define the benefit category batch by adding the product templates to the batch, defining the benefit categories, and then adding benefits.

If you change the benefit category within the Smart Update feature, Smart Update only updates existing benefit categories that come from the existing or the new product template, per your configuration in the batches.

  1. On the Configure product template page, click Begin.
  2. On the Configure product template page, click the Configure Benefit Categories tab.
  3. Click the Add benefit category batch.
  4. To rename the default batch name, click the Edit icon, and then enter a new name.
  5. If you want to copy the batch data from another batch, click the Copy batch data icon, and then choose an already configured batch.
  6. Click the Add product templates to batch icon.
  7. In the Select product templates for batch dialog box, select the product templates that you want to update with this batch, and click Submit.
  8. Click Define benefit categories.
  9. In the product template benefit categories dialog box, click Add benefit category.
  10. In the Name list, select an item, and click OK.
  11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for each benefit category that you want to add.
  12. Click Submit.
  13. Click Save.

Configuring coverages

Define the coverage batch by selecting the entity for which you want to update coverage. Then select the product templates and networks to which the updated coverage applies.

For example, based on world conditions, you might want to add a new benefit, such as Home Delivery of Meals during a flu epidemic, to your product templates for the current year. You create the benefit by using the links in the navigation pane of Pega Product Composer for Healthcare. You can then use Smart Update to add the benefit to the benefit set and product template. You can then update the coverage for the current year to add cost shares, limits, or inheritance of those coverages.

Another example of product template coverage configuration is when you want to change the deductibles and out-of-pocket values at the network level for your product templates.


If you want to change the deductibles and out-of-pocket values at the network level, the product templates in the coverages batch must have the same calculation method. For information on calculation methods, see Configuring cost shares and accumulators for a product template in the Product templates section.

If you need to change the calculation method for a product template, on the Configure Coverages tab, select Product template, and then add the product templates for which you want changes. Then change the calculation method and define the values. On the Assignments page, click Begin.

  1. On the Assignments page, click Begin.
  2. On the Configure Product templates page, click the Configure Coverages tab.
  3. Click the Add product template batch.
  4. To rename the default batch name, click the Edit icon, and then enter the new name.
  5. If you want to copy the batch data from another batch, click the Copy batch data icon, and then choose an already configured batch.
  6. Expand the batch.
  7. In the Coverage applies to list, select the entity for which you want to update coverage within the context of the product template.
    For example: Benefit
  8. Expand the Select benefits section of the page, and then click the Add icon to add the benefits.
  9. In the Add benefits dialog box, complete the fields for your search, select the benefits that you want to update, and then click Submit.
  10. Expand the Select product templates section of the page, and then click the Add icon.
  11. In the Add product templates dialog box, complete fields for your search, select the product templates that you want to update with the benefit change, and then click Submit.
  12. Expand the Select networks section of the page, and then click the Add icon.
  13. In the Add networks dialog box, select the network names, and then click Submit.
  14. Click Define coverage.
  15. On the Configure coverage page, complete the updates to the coverage fields, and then click Submit.
    The default configuration provides the following values:
    • No Change - The entity has the pre-existing value and the value does not change.
    • Restore inheritance - The coverage value follows normal inheritance rules. If the value was previously overridden, this action restores inheritance.
    • Update coverage - The value that you enter overwrites the value on the product template.

    Clicking the Copy to other networks button allows you to copy a coverage to another network.

  16. Click Configure variations to update the variations by clicking , and then select one of the Smart Update actions:
    Add a variation to an entityClick Add.

    If a variation already exists with the same name, an error message is displayed.

    Replace a variation
    1. Click Replace.
      Result: If a variation already exists with the same name, that instance is replaced.
    2. If more than one variation with the same name exists and the effective date is blank, select Apply for all or error out.
      Result: If you select error out and more than one variation exists with the same name an error is displayed. If you select Apply for all, all the variations are replaced. If a variation with the name given does not exist, the action is ignored.
    The selection of the effective date is optional.
    Remove a variation
    1. Click Remove.
      Result: If a variation already exists with the same name, that instance is removed.
    2. If more than one variation with the same name exists and the effective date is blank,select Apply for all or error out.
      Result: If you select error out and more than one variation exists with the same name an error is displayed. If you select Apply for all, all the variations are replaced. If a variation with the name given does not exist, the action is ignored.
    The selection of the effective date is optional.
    Smart Update overrides the variation update for all the existing variations of the selected entities by default. To avoid variation data loss, use the variation actions to configure variations at all levels (network, group, and benefit) for products.
  17. On the Configure product templates page, click Submit.

Reviewing product templates

The algorithm determines whether any errors exist that you must correct before proceeding, and then checks for warnings that are informational to you. For warnings, you can decide when you want to correct the issues.

  1. On the Smart Update page, click Refresh.
  2. On the Assignments page, click Begin.
  3. On the Review updated product templates for correct values page, based on your business needs, do one of following:
    Reconfigure product templates
    Click this button if you need to make more changes to the product templates.
    Send for approval
    Click this button and follow the steps in Approving product templates in this section. If you are updating existing product templates, you are not able to send for approval now. You must continue through the product.
    Continue to products
    Click this button and go to Updating products.

    If you updated existing product templates, navigate to step 3 in Selecting products and target actions in the Updating products section and follow the steps in all the sections. Products that were created from the product templates are listed. You cannot add other products or remove any of the products already in the list.

Approving product templates

You can approve your product templates before updating products except when your target action is Updating existing.

  1. On the Review page, click ActionsApprove and hold/Approve and promote.
    Selecting Approve and promote approves the entity and moves it to the next stage. Selecting Approve and hold approves the entity but does not the change the stage of the entity. If an entity is approved and promoted it will appear in the Approved entities search results with stage it was approved in and the status of completed (e.g., Dev-completed stage-status) and Pending entities search results with the next stage and the status of initiation (e.g., Impl-initiation stage-status.
  2. In the Approval note field, enter text, and then click Submit.
    After the approver has approved the assignment, you can start the next step. You can get the assignment from your workbasket queue.
  3. On the Assignment page, click Begin.
  4. Click one of the following options:
    • Exit Smart Update
    • Continue with the process
    For new or replicated product templates, follow the steps in Updating product templates.

Product template extension rules

You can use the extension rules for product templates to customize the Smart Update feature.

Rule nameClassDescription
ConfigureProductTemplate ForSmartUpdate_PreEXTRule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transformto copy additional implementation-layer properties when you are creating a product template.
CreateProductTemplateEXTPegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-SmartUpdate Use this activity rule to add or copy more properties or validations when you are creating a product template.
UpdateProductTemplateMetadataEXTRule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform to add any implementation-layer metadata properties.
ValidateSUMetaDataUpdatedPTEXTRule-HC-PCS-Product Use this data transform to validate the implementation-layer metadata properties that you added to the product template.
UpdateProductTemplateEXTPegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-SmartUpdate Use thisactivity to extend any error handling or include additional validations that you perform when you are updating the product template.
ConfigureCoveragesWrapperPTExtRule-HC-PCS- Extension Use this data transform to validate additional properties and copy the properties from the coverage batch configuration to all the product templates.

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