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Managing action codes

Updated on December 15, 2021

Action codes can be managed through the Action codes item in the configuration menu. This will then provide the user with the list of existing action codes, as well as the abilities to update, create or delete an action code. Action codes, like all other configuration items, will need to go through the approval process before any changes are applied to the system. Action codes can be sorted and filtered in the list when necessary.

Pega Marketing User Guide
Action code information

To view the configuration for an action code in the system, you would select it from the list. You would then be presented with the Action code info screen.

Action code fields

This table below describes the fields that are available for viewing, updating, or entering an action code. Some of these fields are conditional based on the current approval status of the action code.

Action codeCode for the action code. This cannot be duplicated.
Action code nameName of the action code.
DescriptionDescription of the action code.
PriorityPriority of the action code.
Action code statusDetails if the action code is active or not.
Module sourceModule that sets the action code.
Module IDID of the Module Source that sets the action code.
Effective dateEffective date for this action code.
End dateEnd date for this action code.
Minimum urgencyMinimum urgency of the action code. This is used to increase the urgency of claims that have this action code assigned
WorkbasketWorkbasket associated with the action code. This is used for routing pended claims that have this action code assigned
Last updated byThe user ID associated with the last update to this action code
Last update timeThe date and time of the last update to this action code

The status of the action code. This is only available when an action code is in the process of being added, updated or deleted. Available status codes:

Pending-new – New action code that is awaiting approval.

Pending-delete – Action code that is awaiting a delete task to be approved.

Pending-update – Action code that is awaiting an update task to be approved.

Work object IDThe work object for any action codes that are awaiting approval
Approval workbasketThe workbasket associated with the approval task for this action code
Associated event codesEvent codes that have been configured to enable this action code to override. Note: this is a view and the configuration is performed in the event code disposition configuration screens.
Create/Update an action code

Action codes can be created or updated from the action codes screen. To create a new action code, select the Add action code button. To update an existing action code, select the gear icon associated with the action code you wish to update. When updating an action code, the action code field is read-only. You can also update an action code from the Action code info screen by selecting Edit.

Once the edits or new information is entered, selecting Create or Update will finalize the changes and send a confirmation message indicating that the action code has been submitted for approval.

Deleting an action code

To delete an action code, click the trashcan icon on the action code row. You will then be presented with a confirmation screen, on which selecting Ok, will perform the delete and create the approval message and task for finalization.

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