Reviewing branches

If you are a branch reviewer, you can open reviews and inspect the rules within the branch improve the quality of the branch, for example, before you merge its contents. You can also communicate with other users in Pulse to work collaboratively on branch reviews.

If you have a Default email account configured, you are notified when a review is assigned to you and when reviews are closed. For more information, see Configure email accounts with the Email Wizard. If Pulse notifications are configured, you can receive emails when a new comment is added or when a reply is posted to a new comment. For more information, see Configuring Pulse email notifications. Complete the following steps:
  1. Click App > Branches.
  2. Click the branch that has the review that you want to open.
  3. On the Content tab, in the Current review section, click the review to open it. You can perform the following actions:
    • Filter the list of rules in the branch by rule type using the drop-down list.
    • Click General comments to post and view Pulse comments about the branch.
    • Click a rule to collaborate with other users in Pulse about the specific rule. You can open the rule form on this page.