Push notifications from app administrators

The Push Notifications console is available on the Push Notifications tab on the Edit Mobile App form. From the console, administrators can send push notifications to users of a custom or an SDK mobile app. Notifications sent from this page can contain application-wide messages, for example, when an update is available for manual download. If your mobile app uses a certificate set that does not support push notifications, the Push Notifications tab is not available in the interface.

The Push Console functionality enables app administrators to send ad-hoc push notifications to users of a mobile app. Notifications sent from the Push Console can contain app-wide messages, for example, when an update is available for manual download. If your mobile app uses a certificate set that does not support push notifications, the Push Console is not available in the interface.

You can send push notifications to all or selected users of your mobile app. You can also verify if the message has been sent, check the date and time it happened, or review the list of intended recipients of the message, together with detailed sending statuses of each of the recipients. Before sending push notifications, you can test whether push notifications are correctly configured for your mobile app.

To receive push notifications, users must:

  • Belong to a group that has the app on the Application Access list in Pega Platform.
  • Install the custom mobile app on their device and log in to it at least once, or if using an SDK mobile app, configure push notifications for the app.
  • Allow the mobile app to receive notifications when prompted by the operating system.

Follow these steps to use the Push Console:

  1. Access the Push Console.
  2. Send push notifications.
  3. Review push notifications history.