Proposition Filter rule form - Completing the Default behavior tab

The default behavior configuration defines how a proposition filter rule processes propositions that do not match any specific filter criteria. The default behavior criteria that you define apply to all propositions that belong to the proposition issue and group level that the proposition filter rule applies to. The criteria also apply to all incoming propositions that do not match the business issue or group-level configuration of the proposition filter rule and have no eligibility settings defined.

  1. Open an instance of the proposition filter rule.
  2. Click the Default behavior tab.
  3. In the Set default criteria section, set the filtering criteria for propositions that are associated with this proposition filter rule. Select one of the following options:
    • False – Propositions with no specific filter criteria are evaluated as false.
    • True – Propositions with no specific filter criteria are evaluated as true.
    • Using custom criteria

      When you select this option, you create or reference instances of when rules and strategy rules, and use them to set the eligibility of propositions. You can add multiple when rules and strategy rules.

      • Click Add when rule and specify the following information:

        • An ID for the rule instance, for example A .

          Use this ID in the expression that you specify in the Logic string field.

        • The name of the when rule that you want to reference.

        Repeat this step to configure more filter conditions that are based on the when rules.

      • Click Add strategy and specify the following information:

        • An ID for the rule instance, for example B .

          Use this ID in the expression that you specify in the Logic string field.

        • The name of the strategy rule instance that you want to reference.

        • A component of the strategy rule instance.

          When the component results in one or more pages, its output is interpreted as true . When there are no results, the output is interpreted as false .

        Repeat this step to configure more filter conditions that are based on the strategy rules.

      • In the Logic string field, specify the logical expression for evaluating of the default behavior. Use the following operators: AND, OR, NOT, &&, ||, !, and (), for example, A AND B .

  4. Click Save.
  5. Optional: Click Actions > Run to verify that the propositions contain the expected values.
    1. In the Run Proposition Filter window, select a business issue, group, and proposition.
    2. Specify the run context.
    3. Click Run.