Pinning content to a space

A pin is a reference to a file, URL, document, case, or space. By pinning content that supports the discussion in a space, you can communicate more effectively with the members of the space. For example, you can pin the job profiles of prospective candidates to the Hiring space.

Before you begin: To pin content to a space, you must be an owner or a member of the space.
  • You can become the owner of a space in one of the following ways:

  • You can become a member of a space by joining the space. For more information, see Joining a space.

Pinned information is displayed on the Board tab of a space, which provides a comprehensive overview of the content that is linked to the space.
  1. In the navigation panel, click Spaces.
  2. Choose the spaces in your application to view.
    • Click All spaces to view the public and private spaces, and unlisted spaces that you are a member of.
    • Click My spaces to view only the spaces that you are a member of.
  3. Click the space to which you want to pin content.
  4. On the Board tab, click Add content.
  5. From the Select pin list, select a pin type.
  6. Depending on the pin type, do one of the following actions:
    • If you selected the Case, Document, or Space pin type, press the Down Arrow key and choose a value from the field that is displayed.
    • If you selected the File pin type, choose a file and enter the name of the document that is created when you upload the file. The system pins the document to the space.
    • If you selected the URL pin type, enter a URL in the field that is displayed.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Submit.
    Tip: To pin the current space to another space, click Actions and select Pin to space. Choose or create the spaces to which you want to pin the current space.
  9. Optional: If you are the owner of the space, moderate content by deleting the pins that are irrelevant or inappropriate.