Modal dialog box templates

You can use the modal dialog box templates to model the process flows while designing your application.

The following standard templates for modal dialog boxes are available:

  • pzModalFlowTemplate - Use this template to start a flow in a modal dialog box.
  • pzModalTemplate - Use this template to create a typical modal dialog box to start a local action from a modal dialog box.
  • pzGridModalTemplate - Use this template to create a modal dialog box with a repeating layout to display records in a tree, grid, or tree grid format.
  • pzGridExpandPaneTemplate - Use this template to create a modal dialog box with an option to overwrite or display detailed information about a row item in the grid in an expanded pane. The flow action for the expanded pane is displayed in the same section.
  • pzGridEmbedPaneTemplate - Use this template to create a modal dialog box with an embedded pane. The flow action for the selected row in the report list will be embedded in another section or appears after the grid. Embedded panes are used to edit, update, or preview information that is excluded from the primary view, such as information that is not directly related to the task, or is too detailed to be displayed.