Creating an operator ID

Create an operator ID data instance so that a user can log in to your application.

  1. Display the operator key information form by doing one of the following steps.
    • Click Create > Organization > Operator ID.
    • From the navigation panel, click Records > Organization > Operator ID, and then click Create.
    • Click Configure > Org & Security > Organization > Operators, and then click New.
  2. In the Short description field, enter the operator's name. The value you enter populates the Full name field on the following screen.
  3. In the Operator ID field, enter a unique identifier.
    • In addition to letters and digits, the identifier can include the following characters: period, single quote, tilde(~), underscore, exclamation point (!), ampersand (&), octothorpe (#) and no more than one @ character. Don't use forward slash or backslash characters in the identifier.
    • If the Security Policies feature (on the System Settings landing page) is enabled, enter an identifier that is at least as long as required by that feature. See Systems category — Settings landing page.
    • As a best practice, use the organization name (the key to an Organization data instance) as a suffix in Operator IDs.
    • An Operator ID can be up to 65 characters long.
    • Special processing applies to any user identifier that starts with the word External. Use such identifiers only to define external operators, those who use directed Web access for one-time processing of assignments.
    • Do not use system as an Operator ID name. This name is reserved, as it is used by agents.
    • Do not use pyBulkProcessing as a work queue name. This value is reserved for background bulk processing.
    By convention, use the format of an Internet email address. For example, if Patricia works at Thorr, enter [email protected]. Walter Scafi at Markus Bank in the United Kingdom can be identified by [email protected]. The Operator ID need not match a person's email address. You can use another permanent identifier used within your company.
  4. Click Create and open.
    The operator rule form is displayed.
  5. On the Profile tab, enter at least one Access Group, and other optional information. For more information, see Fields for operator contact information and application access.
  6. On the Work tab, enter an Organization, Division, and Unit, and other optional information. For more information, see Fields for operator work groups, work queues, and schedules.
  7. On the Security tab, click Update password and enter a password, then enter other optional information. For more information, see Defining security information for an operator.
  8. Click Save.