Stopping or pausing search reindexing

Stop or pause search reindexing when there is a processing issue.

To access the Search landing page, you must have the pxAccessSearchLP privilege, which is included in the PegaRULES:SysAdm4 role.
You stop or pause search reindexing by stopping or pausing its associated data flow. Stopping the service cancels the indexing job and deletes all queued processing. Pausing the service allows you to restart where you left off without losing any transactions.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > System > Settings > Search.
  2. In the Queue Information section, click View Data Flow for one of the following processors:
    • pyBatchIndexProcessor – to stop batch processing.
    • pyFTSIncrementalIndexer – to stop incremental processing.
  3. Click Stop.
    • To stop reindexing, click Stop.
    • To pause reindexing, click Pause.
Fix the processing issue and click Resume.