Creating a task in Pulse

To manage case work that needs to be completed within a specific period of time, create a task in Pulse and assign the task to other case users or to yourself. For example, you can assign a task to yourself as a reminder to upload address documents to a Car Loans case by the end of the day.

In Dev Studio, enable the task post type.

For more information, see Enabling users to post messages in the activity feed.

  1. Open a case:
    • Search for the case.
    • Click on the case in the worklist or work queue on your dashboard.
  2. Click Post > Task.
  3. Enter a name for the task.
  4. In the Assignee field, press the Down Arrow key, and then select a user to assign the task.
  5. In the Due date field, select the date and time by which the task should be completed.
  6. Optional: In the Additional details box, enter more information about the task.
  7. Click Create.
Your Pulse interface and the Pulse interface of the assignee display the task. If the assignee does not complete the task, they receive two reminder notifications based on their notification preferences. The first notification arrives when half of the time till the due date elapses, and the second one appears after the deadline.
For example, if the due date is in 24 hours, the assignee receives the first notification after 12 hours and the second one after 24 hours.
The task assignee can click the Complete icon when they finish work on the task. The assignee and you can comment on and like the task. You can edit the task when it is still open, and reopen the task after its completion.