Selecting an authentication service

Build safe custom mobile apps by selecting an authentication source that matches your security requirements. For example, use the default Platform Authentication service to efficiently build secure apps that authenticate with Pega Platform credentials.

Ensure that the app uses HTTPS and a trusted SSL certificate.
Note: Custom mobile apps use the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow for additional app security. The configuration of this framework is automatic when you build an application.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click the name of your current application, and then click Channels and interfaces.
  2. Choose the app for which you want to select an authentication service:
    Option Description
    New app In the Create new channel interface section, click Mobile, and then click the Configuration tab.
    Existing app
    1. In the Current channel interfaces section, click the icon that represents your existing mobile app, and then click Modify build.
    2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. On the Configuration tab, expand the Security section.
  4. In the Select authentication source list, select the authentication service that you want to use in your custom mobile app:
    Option Description
    Selection of all enabled authentication services

    Click User choice.

    Choose this setting to display a screen with all enabled authentication services for users to select when they sign in to the app.

    Default authentication service Click Platform Authentication.

    This authentication service uses credentials that are stored in the Pega Platform database.

    Custom authentication service Select a custom authentication service that is enabled.
    For more information about creating custom authentication services, see Creating an authentication service.
  5. Click Save.