Creating a custom repository type

Create custom connections between Pega Platform and repositories that are not included in the Pega Platform wizards, for example, a Google Cloud Source repository.

Once you create a custom repository type, you can create one or more connections to it. Custom repositories behave in the same way as the repositories delivered with Pega Platform.

For more information about creating a custom repository type, see Custom repository types and Repository APIs on the Pega Community.

  1. Open your application.
  2. Create a child class of Embed-Repository-Type for your repository type:
    • Include the repository name at the end of the new class name. For example, Embed-Repository-Type-Nexus.
    • Create the new class as an abstract class.
  3. Override the section pyRepoConfiguration in the new class.
  4. Customize the activities for your class. The following list includes activities that you might want to override:
    • pyFetchArtifact — If you need to fetch artifacts from the repository, override this activity and then update the response on the pyRepoFetchResponse page.

    • pyPublishArtifact — If you need to publish artifacts from this repository, override this activity and then update the response on the pyRepoPublishResponse page.

    • pyBrowseArtifact — If you need to browse artifacts from this repository, override this activity and then update the response on the pyRepoBrowseResponse page.

    • pyPingRepository — If you need to test the connection to this repository, override this activity and then update the response on the pyRepoPingResponse page.

  5. Extend the Code-Pega-List.pyRepoTypes data transform to add the new repository type.