SAP Connector Form – Completing the Advanced tab

Use the Advanced tab to change which version of Axis or SOAP is used, to associate a compensating action with the connector, to specify the data transforms that define the schema, and to enable Web Service Security for the SAP connector.

Note: This tab is displayed for the SOAP connector type only.

Client properties

The Pega Platform SAP connector architecture uses an Axis client to make the SOAP call and process the SOAP response. Use the fields in this section to specify settings for the Axis client.

Field Description
Axis Version Connect SAP rules use AXIS version 2.
SOAP Version Specify which version of the SOAP specification is implemented by the Web service this connector communicates with. If you used the Connector and Metadata wizard to generate this connector, and selected a SOAP 1.2 binding port, it is set to 1.2.
HTTP Version Select a version known to be compatible with the server that this connector is connecting to:

As a best practice, because HTTP Versions are backward compatible, set the HTTP Version to the lowest known compatible version. For example, if it is not known if the server is 1.1 compatible, set the connector HTTP Version to 1.0.

Enable MTOM Select to enable the Message Transmission Optimization mechanism for this connector.

Web services (WS-*) configuration

If your application requires a secure SOAP connection, you can enable Web Services Security (WSS).

Field Description
Enable ws-security Select this option to enable Web Services Security on this connector.
Enable ws-policy Select this option if the Web service exposes a WS-Policy. Specify the policy using a Webservice Policy data instance to interact with service.
Security profile If Enable ws-policy is not checked, specify the WS-Security Profile instance to be used to communicate with WS-Security-enabled Web services.

This security profile is also used for SSL-enabled SOAP services. In the Security Profile you specify a Truststore which contains the server certificates to be used in the SSL handshake, and a Keystore which stores the client’s private/public key pair used by the server to authenticate the client. See About WS-Security Profile data instances.

Service policy If Enable WS-Policy is checked, specify the Webservices Policy instance to use.


The following fields address configuration of the SOAP addressing headers. If you use the Connector and Metadata wizard on a Metadata Type WSDL file that contains WS-Addressing data, the fields in this section are pre-populated.

Field Description
Enable ws-addressing Select this option to include routing information in the SOAP header.
Must understand Select True to instruct the SOAP service to process this header element and to fail if the element is not recognized. The default is False, allowing all SOAP header elements to be optionally processed by the receiver.
Namespace The SmartPrompt lists the standard namespaces from Addressing Final and Submission namespaces. Specify the WS-Addressing namespace to be used in with WS-Addressing and the STS token service. If nothing is specified, will be used as the default.
Note: The WS-Addressing namespace takes precedence over the Dynamic System Setting wsa/versionURI.
Action Enter the unique identifier for the intent of the request.

This entry in this field should match the SOAPAction Header field if WS-Addressing is enabled, as per section 2.4 of WS-Addressing 1.0 specification for SOAP binding,

If the SOAP Action is blank, this field's value should be calculated based on the default action pattern mentioned in WS-Addressing specification at

Use property references to override this field dynamically.

From Enter information about the message sender.
Reply to Enter the location the reply for the message should be sent to. If not present, reply is sent back to the endpoint the request came from.

If the server is to respond to the sender synchronously, enter

If the message is a one-way request, enter

Use property references to override this field dynamically.

Fault to Provides the fault endpoint reference. Indicate where a fault message should be sent. If not present, the fault is sent back to the endpoint where the request came from.

Use property references to override this field dynamically.

Relates to Use to relate to a previously sent message, so the service can determine who the sent the message.
Relationship type Used in conjunction with the Relates to field, the type of relationship is identified by an absolute IRI. The related message is identified by an absolute IRI that corresponds to the related message's [message id] property. If not otherwise pre-populated:

For Submission Namespace, enter wsa:Reply.

Use property references to override this field dynamically.

Message ID Assign each message a unique identity. This identity can be used for duplicate detection, message correlation, and many other purposes.

Use property references to override this field dynamically.

Secure token service (STS) configuration

Complete these optional fields to use Secure Token Service.

Field Description
STS service policy Optional. Specify a Webservices Policy instance that uses the policy exposed by Security Token Service.
WS trust version Optional. Select the appropriate WS-trust version to be used to construct the RequestSecurityToken:
  • Version 1.0 corresponds to
  • Version 1.3 corresponds to

For more information on STS configuration, see Configuring WS-Trust in PRPC.

JMS transport

If your connector uses a Java Message Service binding to connect to an external service, specify the JMS Transport instance here.
Field Description
Transport name Select the JMS transport instance used to connect to an external service.

Schema definitions

Note: If you used the Connector and Metadata wizard to generate the SOAP connector rule and the WSDL file of the Web service contains a schema description with complex types, this section of the Advanced tab specifies the data transforms that define the schema of the incoming and outgoing XML objects. Typically, this indicates that the SOAP operation style is document-literal.

On the Request and Response tabs, the Data Type of the XML objects described by the data transforms specified on this tab is set to XML Page.

  • If this rule was not created by using the Connector and Metadata Wizard, leave this section blank. You cannot configure a mapping for a XML object except by using the Connector and Metadata wizard.
  • If this rule was created using the Connector and Metadata Wizard, make changes carefully. You can update the Page name and the Data transform fields. Do not change the Class name field.
Field Description
Page key Identify the clipboard page that contains the data values to be mapped to or from the XML object.
Class name Specify the class of that page.
Data transform Specify a data transform to use as the schema description of the XML object.

In most cases, the generated rule specified in this field is appropriate. However, the generated data transforms list every property in the class; you may not want to map a value for every property in the class. If you do not need all the properties, create a new data transform that specifies the properties to map in the order they are to be mapped. Then select that rule in this field.

Compensating action

Optional. Use the Compensating action and Compensating action data section of this tab to associate a compensating action with a work item when the connector rule succeeds. For more information, see Using Compensating Actions on the Pega Community.

Field Description
Work page name Optional. Specify the name the page that holds the work item. Typically this is pyWorkPage.
Action label Optional. Enter a string that describes the purpose of the compensating action. For example, "Cancels Flight Reservation." PublicAPI methods can use this label to identify this compensating action within a Java step of an activity.
Action activity class name Optional. Identify the Applies to class — first key part — of the activity that performs the compensating action.
Action activity name Optional. Identify the Activity Name — second key part — of the activity that performs the compensating action.
Compensating action data Optional. Use this section to store information about the current state of the work item as parameter-value pairs when the purpose of running the compensating action activity is to restore the work item to the state it is in directly after the connector rule runs.

Click the none button and enter the name of a parameter used by the compensating action activity. Then, in the value field, select the property that is to be the source of the parameter value.