More about Correspondence Fragment rules

Correspondence fragment rules define reusable or boilerplate HTML text for correspondence, such as a standard heading, footer, or signature.

Parent class

The immediate parent class of the Rule-Corr-Fragment rule type is the Rule-Stream class.

You can view the generated Java code of a rule by clicking Actions > View Java. You can use this code to debug your application or to examine how rules are implemented.

Standard rules

A few standard correspondence fragment rules are available for your use, including the following:

Name Description Creates an HTML link to an assignment, for use in HTML email messages. Supports the Directed Web Access feature, for contacting external users who are to complete an assignment. Supports the directed Web access feature, conveying the body of the message. Includes an HTTP link to open the work item. Presents a few facts about a work object in an email format.
WorkDetail.Mail Presents a few facts about a work object in a format suitable for printed portal mail or fax transmission.
WorkDetail.PhoneText Presents a few facts about a work object in a format suitable for SMS text messages.