Configuring presentation options for a date range calendar control

Configure the control to be editable or read-only for the application's users, apply conditions and specify how the cell appears on the form.

  1. In the Properties panel, click the Presentation tab.
  2. From the Edit options list, select a setting for the DateTime control.
    These selections take precedence over section and harness settings.
    • To make the property use the edit mode of the section or harness in which it appears, select Auto.
    • To make property values read-only for end users, select Read-only (always).
    • To make property values read-only for end users in specified cases, select Read-only (expression). In the adjacent field press the Down Arrow key to select the expression used to evaluate the conditions on which property values are read-only.
    • To make property values read-only for end users in specified cases, select Read-only (when rule). In the adjacent field press the Down Arrow key to select the when rule that determines the conditions on which property values are read-only.
    • To make property values always editable for end users, select Editable.
  3. For Auto (default) or Editable options, in the Specify Size section/field, define the control width in a form:
    • To automatically adjust the control area width to the layout, click Auto.
    • To manually specify a fixed width for the control, click Custom. In the Width fields enter the size in pixels or as a percentage.
  4. Optional: To specify the range of dates that the users can select, in the Min date and Max date fields, enter the thresholds.
  5. Optional: To allow users to enter numerical values when the field is in focus, select the Display value using read-only formatting check box.
    The required format is applied automatically.
  6. Optional: In the Label format field, press the Down Arrow key, and then select a format of the label that you want to apply at run time.
  7. To apply custom styling to the cell, expand the Advanced Presentation Options section.
    Instead of creating a new custom format in the skin, you can adjust elements in a cell by applying Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) helper classes. For example, you can use a CSS helper class to center an element in a cell or to double the standard right margin for the element.
    • Cell read-write classes – Click the Open helper class picker icon to specify one or more CSS helper classes to apply to this cell when the form is displayed in read-write mode. You can enter several helper classes, separated by a space. Alternatively, you can enter the name of a custom style to apply to this cell.
    • Cell read-only classes – Click the Open helper class picker icon to specify one or more CSS helper classes to apply to this cell when the form is displayed in read-only mode. You can enter several helper classes, separated by a space. Alternatively, you can enter the name of a custom style to apply to this cell.
    • Inline style (not for production use) – You can use this field to define an inline style by entering CSS code. However, entering an inline style results in a guardrail warning. For maintainability and reuse, the recommended approach is to use read-write or read-only classes.
    For more information, see CSS helper classes.

  8. Click Submit.