Creating and configuring an OAuth 2.0 provider data instance

Create an OAuth 2.0 provider data instance to allow Pega Platform to securely access an external application over HTTPS.

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create > Security > OAuth 2.0 Provider.
  2. Enter a name and short description for your OAuth 2.0 provider data instance. Begin the name with a letter, and use only alphanumeric characters.
  3. Click Create and open.
  4. In the Grant types section, select one or more grant types that define how to request an access token.
    • Client credentials
    • Authorization code
    • Password credentials
  5. In the Authorization code endpoint field, enter the authorization code endpoint URL that is specified in the API guide of the application that you want to connect to.
    Calls to this endpoint produce an access token that you can use to access protected resources in the external application for a defined period.
  6. In the Access token endpoint field, enter the access token URL that is specified in the API guide of the application that you want to connect to.
    Calls to this endpoint produce an access token that you can use to access protected resources in the external application for a defined period.
  7. In the Revoke token endpoint field, enter the revoke token URL that is specified in the API guide of the application that you want to connect to.
    Calls to this endpoint revoke issued access tokens.
  8. In the Client authentication scheme section, select how to send the client credentials.
    • Basic – Send the client credentials (client ID and client secret) to the external application as a part of the authorization header.
    • POST – Send the client credentials in the body of the POST request.
  9. In the Send access token as section, select how to send the access token to the external application.
    • Authorization header
    • Query string parameter
  10. In the Secure protocol configuration section, in the Lowest allowable SSL/TLS version field, select the SSL or TLS protocol version that you want to use to securely connect to the external application by using OAuth 2.0.
  11. In the Security settings section, in the Truststore field, press the Down Arrow key to select a truststore, or click the Open icon to create a truststore.
    The truststore contains the server certificate to use in the TLS/SSL handshake.
  12. In the Security settings section, in the Keystore field, press the Down Arrow key to select a keystore, or click the Open icon to create a keystore.
    The keystore stores the Pega Platform client's private/public key pair that is used by the server to authenticate the client.
  13. Click Save.