Scenario testing

Run scenario tests against a user interface to verify that the end-to-end scenarios are functioning correctly. The UI-based scenario testing tool allows you to focus on creating functional and useful tests, rather than writing complex code.

You can test either a specific case type or an entire portal by clicking Scenario Testing in the run-time toolbar to open the test recorder. When you use the test recorder and hover over a testable element, an orange highlight indicates that the element can be tested. Interactions are recorded in a visual series of steps and the execution of a test step can include a delay.

Provide data to your test cases with a predefined data page. This data page can provide unique values for each execution of the test case. You can populate the data page by using any source, including activities or data transforms.

Tests are saved in a test ruleset. After they are saved, tests are available on the Application: Scenario Testing landing page. From the landing page you can run a test or view the results of a previous test run.