Upgrading BIX

If you were previously using BIX and you have upgraded Pega Platform, add the new BIX ruleset to your application.

You can add the new version of BIX on top of your existing version.
  1. In the navigation panel of Dev Studio, click Records.
  2. Expand the Application Definition category, and then click Application.
  3. Click your application rule.
  4. In the Application rulesets section, click + Add ruleset.
  5. Select Pega-BIX: xx-xx-xx to the list of Application rulesets, where “xx” matches the Pega Platform version that you are currently running.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Log out and log back in.
    BIX is displayed as the extract selection under SysAdmin in the Rules Explorer.
What to do next: 

After upgrading BIX, you may need to:

  • Reconfigure your stand-alone command-line environment:
    1. Download the BIX distribution archive and expand it into a directory.
    2. Configure a JVM environment with access to the Pega Platform jar files and the appropriate database driver files
    3. Configure the prconfig.xml, prbootstrap.properties, and prlog4j2.xml files provided in the configuration directory of the BIX distribution to specify the source and target databases and split schema setup. For more information, see Configuring the extraction environment.
  • If you were using the Extract rule xml as input for extracting the rules, perform the following steps:
    1. Regenerate the pegarules.keyring file, if required.
    2. Copy the Extract rule xml to the appropriate path.
    3. Validate the ANT build file with the sample build file provided in the distribution package.
  • Update custom work tables if they do not have the pxCommitDateTime and pxSaveDateTime columns and are using pxUpdateDateTime for incremental extracts. Incremental extracts are done using pxCommitDateTime. For more information, see BIX Performance.
    • Update your work tables to include the new columns.
    • Populate the new columns by running the resave utility.
    Apply DDL scripts manually to create the pr_extract_time and pr_sys_queues_bix tables if the are not present in the PegaRULES schema.