Enabling case notifications

Enable email and push notifications for a case type to communicate about service-level agreements that expired, and to highlight cases that require action. You can use push notifications for mobile devices, and email notifications for all devices that support email.

Before you begin: 

To use push notifications, install your mobile app on a device and enable push notifications in the app. For more information, see Configuring a mobile app and Setting up push notifications in a mobile app.

  1. In the navigation panel of App Studio, click Case types, and then click the case type that you want to open.
  2. On the Settings tab, click Notifications.
  3. To enable push notifications for users on mobile devices, perform the following actions:
    1. To enable push notifications about service-level agreements that expired, select the Enable push for goal and deadline notifications check box.
      When the service-level agreement for an assignment expires and at least one escalation action is set to notify the assignee or to notify the manager, the system sends push notifications to all devices that are logged on.
    2. To enable push notifications about new work assignments, select the Notify user when assignment is routed to worklist check box.
    3. Click Save.
  4. To enable email notifications about new work assignments, perform the following actions:
    1. Select the Email user when assignment is routed to worklist check box.
    2. Select whether you want to compose a custom message or use an existing one.
    3. In the Subject field, enter the title of the email by entering a string expression. You can reference field names in the title to make it more dynamic and meaningful.
      For example: "The case "+ .pyID + " has been assigned to you.".
    4. Click Save.
    5. Ensure that you can send emails with the email account that you want to use by clicking Settings > Email accounts and configuring the email account settings.
      You can send notifications from an email account named after your workpool or the Default email account.
    6. Click Save.