Validating imported data

Control validation overhead by configuring how much validation to use on imported data.

  1. Optional: On the Import options screen of the Import Wizard, select how imported data is validated.
    • Select Skip running validate rules if you want the system to perform basic validation. Basic validation checks that the property type of the data being imported matches the property type of the field in the data type.
    • Clear Skip running validate rules if you want the system to perform advanced validation. Advanced validation performs basic validation, then runs the default validate rule of the data type on each record that is imported. Running the validate rule causes the import to take longer; however, it allows you more control when you need additional validation.
  2. Click Start validation.
What to do next: If an error is found, the record is removed from the good records and is written to a row in the error .csv file. Fix the flawed rows and restart the import process. If you choose to continue the import without fixing the errors, the flawed rows are not imported.