Copying training data to another environment

To have greater control of the quality of machine learning model for your application, you can copy training data from one Email Bot environment to another environment. For example, you can copy training data from a production environment to a development or a QA environment.

Training data consists of user input that you can use in the model to make Email Bot more intelligent and responsive. Copying training data from one environment to another results in a higher number of triaged emails, a greater accuracy of entity detection, and makes Email Bot easier to maintain and build. Entities that are detected in an email and its attachments are proper nouns that fall into a commonly understood category such as a person, organization, or location and help the system respond to the user.

Copying training data from one Email Bot environment to another involves first creating Email Bot training data in a production environment and then exporting the training data to a file. Next, you edit another Email Bot in a development or QA environment and import the saved training data from a file. You can export either only the reviewed training data or all the training data for Email Bot. The training data that you export includes entities that were added to the text analyzer but were not built in the model

  1. Export training data from Email Bot, for example, in a production environment.
    1. Open the Email channel interface that you want to copy data from, and then click the Training data tab.
    2. Click the More options icon above the training data list, and then click Export data.
      Note: You can export data only if the Email Bot or IVA channel contains at least one training record.
    3. Click Reviewed only to export only the reviewed data or click Reviewed and unreviewed to export all data for the model.

      For example, you can choose to only export the reviewed training data that was already verified by an IVA developer.

    4. Click Export.
    5. Click Download and save the training data to a .zip file.
  2. Import training data to another Email Bot, for example, in a development or QA environment.
    1. Open the Email channel interface that you want to import the data to and then click the Training data tab.
    2. Click the More options icon above the training data list, and then click Import data.
    3. Click Choose file and select the file that contains the exported training data.
    4. Click Import.

You can proceed to build the model for Email Bot by using the copied training data.