Tracking mobile users with the Map control

You can track users who use an offline-enabled mobile app to complete cases assigned to them. Use the Map control to see if a service person is on the way to the repair site, or how soon the delivery will reach the customer.

After you build a mobile app with user tracking enabled, the tracking functionality works automatically. You can track users when they are actively using the mobile app and when the app is running in the background. You can also track users when the device is not connected to the server. Recorded locations are synchronized with the server and stored in a database that is accessible through a data page. Pega Platform then uses these locations to create a track that can be displayed using the Map control that you can add to a dynamic layout, section or harness, according to your needs.

User tracking starts when an instance of a case type appears on the user's worklist, when the user creates an instance on a mobile device or downloads an instance from the server. user tracking stops when the instance of a case type disappears from the worklist. The number of tracks that are recorded and displayed on the map corresponds to the number of case instances on the user's worklist.

To enable user tracking with the Map control, perform the following tasks:

  1. Enabling offline support for case types.
  2. Obtaining the Google API key.
  3. Configuring a dynamic system setting for the Map control.
  4. Adding the Map control.
  5. Configuring the Map control to display user tracks.