Defining the outcome field for spectrum models

The outcome field represents the behavior that you want to predict in the model.

  1. In the Outcome definition step, from the Model type drop-down list, select SPECTRUM.
  2. From the Outcome field to predict field, select an outcome field.
    The list only contains numeric fields.
    Result:  For the <Virtual Field> option, the Virtual field dialog box opens for defining or selecting a formula for the outcome field. For more information, see Virtual Fields.
  3. In the Spectrum bounds section, define the maximum and minimum range values.
    The values above the maximum are combined with this maximum value while the values below the minimum are combined with this minimum value.
  4. Optional: In the Special values section, to add values that are not part of the numeric range of values, click Add.
    Typically, special values represent error codes.
  5. Optional: In the Graphical view tab or the Tabular view tab, check the outcome field values.