Deleting a pin from a space

Delete a pin from a space when the pin is no longer relevant For example, in the Hiring space, you can delete the job profiles of candidates who have not cleared interviews.

Before you begin: Ensure that you have owner or member access to the space:
Note: If you are a member of a space, you can only delete pins that you create.
  1. In the navigation panel, click Spaces.
  2. Choose the spaces in your application to view.
    • To view the private and public spaces, and unlisted spaces of which you are a member, click All spaces.
    • To view only the spaces of which you are a member or an owner, click My spaces.
  3. Click the space from which you want to delete a pin.
  4. On the Board tab, search for the pin that you want to delete.
  5. Hover over the pin, and then click the Show more icon.
  6. Click Delete.