Defining basic conditions for case types

Improve the performance of your duplicate case search and limit the number of potential duplicates by defining basic conditions for potential duplicate cases.

Before you begin: Add a Search duplicate cases shape to the life cycle of your case type. For more information, see Searching duplicate cases.
  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case types, and then click the case type that you want to open.
  2. In the case working area, on the Workflow tab, click Life cycle.
  3. In the Case life cycle section, click the Search duplicate cases step for which you want to define basic conditions.
  4. In the step property panel, click Add basic condition.
  5. In the dialog box that appears, in the Potential duplicate, Comparator, and Current case fields, enter the property names and values that you want to use to determine duplicates. in a comparison against the existing cases, to determine duplicates.
    The application uses these values to compare existing cases against the current case to identify potential duplicates.
    For example: To compare your case with all cases that contain the same email address, enter Email is same.
  6. Optional: To define more basic conditions, in the dialog box, click Add a row, and then go to step 5.
  7. Optional: To mark the case as a potential duplicate only when the case meets all basic conditions, in the field below When, select and.
  8. Optional: To mark the case as a potential duplicate when the case meets at least one basic condition, in the field below When, select or.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Save.
Result: At run time, the application evaluates the basic conditions first to limit the list of potential duplicates. If the case meets the basic conditions, the system analyzes the weighted conditions.

Users can decide whether to close a case as a duplicate or ignore the potential duplicate and continue. A dialog box provides the reason for marking the case as a potential duplicate, which helps users make an informed decision.

What to do next: Define the weighted conditions for the case. For more information, see Defining a threshold with weighted conditions for a case type.