Collecting information from a user

Gather the information that your business process requires by creating an assignment to collect that data from users. For example, a customer service representative can enter personal details and income information from a client during the loan request process.
  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case types, and then click the case type that you want to open.
  2. On the Workflow tab, click Life cycle.
  3. In the Case life cycle section, hover over a process in a stage, and then click Step > Collect information.
  4. In the new text field, enter a unique name that describes the task.
  5. In the properties panel, in the Step section, in the Route to list, identify the user or team that performs the task:
    • To assign the task to the user who last updated the case, select Current user.
    • To assign the task to another user in your application, select Specific user, and then configure the user parameters.

      You can assign the task to a user by user name, a user by user reference, the reporting manager of the user who last updated the case, or a case participant.

    • To assign the task to a team that shares a work queue, select Work queue, and then select a team.
    • To automatically assign the task to a user with the appropriate availability, skill set, or workload, select Use business logic, and then click the Configure business logic icon.

      For more information about configuring business-based routing, see Assigning users automatically at run time.

  6. Optional: In the Set case status field, set the status that the system assigns to the case when this process step starts:
    • To use an existing status, press the Down arrow key, and then select the status.
    • To create a new status, enter a unique name for the status.
  7. Optional: To describe the purpose of the task, in the Instructions for user field, enter a description.
  8. Click Save.
What to do next: Define the fields on the form that users see when they perform the task. For more information, see Building forms for case types.