Adding data to embedded structures when simulating data

To provide a more complete data source simulation, add data to embedded structures.

The Records Editor only shows the top-level scalars in your data model; it does not let you interact with embedded structures such as a field group nested in the data model, for example, an address field group embedded in an account. For this reason, you cannot use the record editor to add data in embedded fields. You must use the Data Import wizard instead.
Note: The simulations's ability to persist and use data in embedded structures leverages the BLOB that is part of any table in PegaDATA.
  1. Export the data to a .csv file.
    For more information, see Exporting data records.
  2. In the exported .csv file, add columns for the embedded fields.
  3. Import the data from the updated .csv file.

    For more information, see Importing data from a file.

  4. In the Map fields dialog box, map the embedded fields to the target fields using the pyValue field, for example, .property().pyValue.
Result: The embedded fields are added to the data object; however, you cannot view them in the Records Editor.