Complying with policies or regulations by detecting unwanted bias

Test your strategies for unwanted bias. For example, you can test whether your strategies generate biased results by sending more actions to female rather than male customers.
Before you begin: 

To edit the ethical bias policies, your access group must have the pzBiasPolicyConfiguration privilege. For more information, see the Pega Customer Decision Hub Implementation Guide on Community

Use the Ethical Bias Policy landing page to configure the fields that are used to measure bias.
  1. In Dev Studio, click Configure > Decisioning > Infrastructure > Ethical Bias Policy.
  2. On the Bias fields tab, click Add bias.
    You can select any property from your customer class. For example, you can use gender, age, and ethnicity-related properties for bias testing.
  3. If the property value that you selected is a number, in the Add bias field window, specify whether to represent that value as a category or as an ordinal number.
    Categorical values represent customer properties such as gender or ethnicity. If there are many categorical values, only the 20 most frequent values are checked for bias. Do not classify numerical values such as age as categories.
  4. On the Bias threshold tab, review and configure the bias threshold settings for each issue in your business structure.
    The bias threshold measurement depends on the type of field that you selected. For more information, see Bias measurement.
  5. Confirm your settings by clicking Save.
What to do next: 

To use the bias policy to test the behavior of your strategies, create a new simulation test with the purpose Ethical bias. For more information, see Simulation testing.