Adding a sequential process to a stage

Control the order of events in a case by adding a sequential process to a stage. A sequential process orders related actions that lead to the resolution of a case.

For example, if your business case is to review a job application, you can create a sequential process that includes the following tasks:
  • Prepare interview questions
  • Conduct the interview
  • Prepare the candidate's assessment
Before you begin: Add stages to your case type. See Creating a primary stage.
  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Case types, and then click the case type that you want to open.
  2. On the Workflow tab, click Life cycle.
  3. In the Case life cycle section, hover over a stage, and then click More > Add process > New process.
  4. In a new text field, replace the default process label with a descriptive name.
  5. Optional: To change the run-time order of a process, drag the process to a different position in the stage.
  6. Click Save.
Result: At run time, the process starts when all steps in the previous process are completed.
What to do next: