Creating an email account

Configure an email account to determine the email server and account details for receiving and sending email in your application. These accounts are used in the email listener and email channel to read emails and create or update cases, send automatic replies and notifications, and more.

  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Settings > Email accounts.
  2. On the Email accounts page, click New.
  3. On the Email account settings form, in the Account ID field, enter an account ID for the email account to which you want to connect.
  4. In the Account Name field, enter a name that identifies the email account.
  5. In the Account provider section, in the Email provider list, select an email provider.
  6. In the Sender section, in the Send using field, select SMTP.
    Result: The sender details appear automatically in the SMTP host and Port fields. You can edit the information in these fields.
  7. In the Identity subsection, configure the identity information:
    1. In the Email address field, enter the email address that is associated with outgoing email.
    2. In the Display name field, enter the name to display for this sender.
    3. In the User ID field, enter the SMTP user ID that sends email from this host.
    4. In the Password field, enter the sender password.
    5. In the Reply to field, enter the email address to which the recipients of outgoing emails can reply. Use a working, valid email address that a person reviews or that the system processes.
  8. In the Connection subsection, configure the server connection information:
    1. In the SMTP host field, enter the host name or IP address of the SMTP server for outgoing email.
    2. In the Port field, enter the SMTP server port number for outgoing email connections.
      The following default outgoing email connection options are available:
      • 25 (unsecured)
      • 587 (STARTTLS)
      • 465 (SMTPS)
    3. Optional: To use SSL to send email messages through this server, select the Use SMTPS check box.
      Do not select this option if the email server uses STARTTLS.
      1. In the Lowest allowable SSL/TLS version field, select the lowest version of the protocol that you want to allow to communicate with an external server.

        The default value is TLS version 1.2.

      2. In the Truststore field, press the Down arrow key and select the application setting that holds your truststore certificates.

        If an application setting does not exist, you can create a new application setting by entering a setting name in the format <application>.<setting> and clicking the rule opener.

  9. In the Receiver section, in the Receive using list, select an email protocol:
    • POP3
    • IMAP
    • Microsoft Graph
      Note: Microsoft Graph appears only if you select Microsoft Office 365 in the Email provider list in step 5.
  10. For connections that use the POP3 and IMAP protocols, in the Identity subsection, configure the User ID and password of the email address for incoming email.
    1. In the User ID field, enter the email address to use for incoming email.
    2. In the Password field, enter the recipient password.
      To populate the User ID and Password fields with the user ID and password from the Sender subsection, select Use sender's ID and password.
  11. For connections using Microsoft Graph, in the Identity subsection, in the User Principal Name field, enter the account ID of the inbox to which you want to connect.
  12. For connections that use the POP3 and IMAP protocols, in the Connection subsection, configure the server connection information:
    1. In the Host field, enter the POP3 or IMAP mail server host name or IP address to use for incoming email.
    2. In the Port field, enter the POP3 or IMAP mail server port number for email connections.
      The following port numbers are available:
      • For IMAP servers, ports 143 (unsecured) or 993 (secured with SSL).
      • For POP3 servers, ports 110 (unsecured) or 995 (secured with SSL).
    3. Optional: To avoid using SSL/TLS for connections to your IMAP/POP3 server, clear the Use SSL/TLS check box.
  13. For connections that use Microsoft Graph, in the Connection subsection, in the Authentication Profile field, press the Down arrow key, and then select the authentication profile for your email account.
    Note: Microsoft Graph connections support OAuth 2.0 authentication profiles that use the Client credentials and Password credentials grant types.
  14. Click Submit.