class hierarchy

Class hierarchy is the way classes are organized in the application to ensure sharing of rules and data. When you create a class hierarchy, you define which classes contain other classes, and as a result, you define how classes reuse or inherit rules. A class that contains another class is called a parent class, while a class that is contained by another class is called a child class The ultimate base class (@baseclass ) is the topmost class in the class hierarchy. All other classes are derived from this class. The names of all classes that belong to a common class group start with the class group name, followed by a hyphen. For example, if you define a class group Work-Object-App-Task, you can name the child classes in this class group Work-Object-App-Task-Ordering, Work-Object-App-Task-Shipping, and Work-Object-App-Task-Billing. Child classes can use rules that belong to parents (for example, user data).