Configuring Unified Messaging channel security

To set up messaging platforms for Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) for Unified Messaging, you must first configure the security settings for the channel. When you define the security settings for the system, you obtain access to the integration manager for your channel. This access enables the setting up of Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger, MMS/SMS (Twilio), Twitter, and WhatsApp Messenger as messaging platforms that are usable by the IVA.

Note: To obtain the security settings for your Unified Messaging channel, including the Manager ID and the Manager Key values for the integration manager, contact Global Customer Support.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click the name of the application, and then click Definition.
  2. In the application rule, click the Integration & Security tab.
  3. In the Unified Messaging security section, in the Manager ID field, enter the identifier for the channel integration manager.
  4. In the Manager Key field, enter the key for the channel integration manager.
  5. Click Save.
What to do next: Set up a Unified Messaging channel for messaging platforms like Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, or WhatsApp Messenger. For more information, see Creating a Unified Messaging channel.