Creating a ruleset and a ruleset version

For easier maintenance and development of your application, create rulesets so that you can categorize the rules that your application uses based on usage, purpose, and dependencies. You can also create newer versions of existing rulesets to keep track of version control. As a result, you can quickly locate and analyze the elements that you change in your application. For example, you can create a ruleset that stores APIs that your organization provides. When you want to enhance the APIs, create a new ruleset version, so that you can track and manage the changes over time.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create > SysAdmin > RuleSet.
  2. Create a new ruleset or ruleset version:
    • To create a new ruleset, in the RuleSet Name field, enter a unique name for your ruleset.
    • To create a new ruleset version, in the RuleSet Name field, press the Down arrow key, and then select the ruleset for which you want to create a new version.
    Result: The system autopopulates the version and description of your ruleset.
  3. Optional: To change the version number of your ruleset, in the Version field, enter a new value.
    For example: Enter 01-01-03.
    By default, for a new ruleset version, the system enters 01-01-01 as the version number. For existing rulesets, the system increments the highest version by one patch number. In a version number, the two first digits correspond with the release, the middle digits correspond with the minor version or enhancement, and the final digits correspond with the patch version.
  4. Optional: To change the description of your ruleset, in the Description field, enter a new value.
    For example: Enter SampleRuleset:01-01-03
    By default, the system forms the description by combining the ruleset name and version number.
  5. Click Create and open.
What to do next: Configure version settings for your ruleset. For more information, see .Configuring ruleset version settings.