Installing Cosmos React UI by using Helm for Kubernetes

Test the latest run-time improvements by installing Cosmos React UI, which offers improved performance, responsiveness, and a more convenient authoring experience for portals and views. Kubernetes users can deploy the Cosmos React UI update by using a Helm chart.

By using Helm for Kubernetes, you can set up Cosmos React UI as a multitenant service for your system.
Note: You do not have to install Cosmos React UI manually if your environment meets any of the following criteria:
  • Pega Platform is hosted on Pega Cloud Services.
  • Pega Platform is hosted on a client-managed cloud environment.
  • Cosmos React UI was installed with Pega Infinity™.
In these cases, the Cosmos React UI engine is already a part of your development environment, and you only need to enable the framework for your applications.
Before you begin: Check your installation environment:
  • Contact Pega to gain access to the customer repository. Cosmos React UI files are in the Pega Infinity™ folder.
  • Ensure that you have a working Kubernetes cluster.
  • Ensure that you have Helm and Kubectl command line interface installed on your on-premises environment.
  • Ensure that you can communicate with the Kubernetes cluster by using Kubectl.
  • Review the process of implementing Cosmos React UI on your system. For more information, see Implementing Cosmos React UI in Pega Platform.
  1. In the Kubectl terminal window, create a namespace to which you want to deploy the service by entering kubectl create namespace <name of the namespace>.
    For example: kubectl create namespace ReactUI.
  2. Create a secret with dockerconfig in the namespace by entering kubectl create secret generic regard --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path to dockerconfig.json> -n <name of the namespace>.
    Result: The system downloads the Cosmos React UI image to the cluster.
  3. Create a TLS secret with a certificate and a key by entering kubectl create secret tls ingresssecret --key <path to the key> --cert <path to the certificate> -n <name of the namespace>.
  4. Install NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.
    For more information, go to the NGINX website.
  5. In the terminal window, install React UI by entering helm install <path to the ReactUI helm charts> --values <path to values.yaml> —namespace <name of the namespace> --generate-name.
    Result: The service is now available at https://<host name used in ingress>:<port exposed by nginx>/c11n.