

Retrieves a map of currently stored actions.


listActions( onSuccess, onFailure, getDetails, options )


This method does not return anything.


Name Description Type Use
onSuccess A callback function, which receives either the result or the resultMap JSON object, based on the value of the getDetails parameter. The result object contains a list of actions stored in the forwardable storage. The resultMap object has been described below. function required
onFailure A callback function, called when actions cannot be listed. Returns an error code, as defined in the Constants table in the Client Store article, and an error message. function required

If set to true, the resultMap JSON object contains metadata, data, and the status of the forwarding operation. Otherwise the object contains action metadata only.

boolean optional
options A JavaScript object containing optional flags. object optional

As its call parameter, the onSuccess callback can receive the resultMap JSON object, structured as follows:

  id1 : {
  id2 : {
Name Description Type
id An identifier of an action, assigned when the onSuccess function is called to confirm that the addAction method completed successfully. number
metadata Action metadata data, passed to the server. string
data Action data passed to the server. string
forwarded Informs of the status of the forwarding operation. boolean

The options object contains flags that enable action filtering. It is structured as follows:

Name Description Type Use

When this flag is set to "true" or "false" only actions that have the "silent" setting set to "true" or "false" are included into your results. If you do not provide a value, the actions are not filtered based on this property.

boolean optional
lax When this flag is set to "true" or "false" only actions that have the "lax" setting set to "true" or "false" are included into your results. If you do not provide a value, the actions are not filtered based on this property. boolean optional
negligible When this flag is set to "true" or "false" only actions that have the "negligible" setting set to "true" or "false" are included into your results. If you do not provide a value, the actions are not filtered based on this property. boolean optional

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