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Rule type exceptions

Updated on January 21, 2021

The prominence and frequency of the term rule can be off-putting to new users. Do not use the word rule except when referring to the following rule types.

Rule typeComments and examples of use
Access of Role to Object ruleUse Access of Role to Object rule. Do not use RARO.

To allow users with an access role to update, delete, or modify objects in a class, create an Access of Role to Object rule.

binary file ruleCreate a binary file rule to include a graphics file, such as an image (including GIF, JPG, or PNG files) or other non-text files in your application as a rule.
Connect JCA rule
Connect JMS rule
Connect MQ rule
Connect SOAP rule
Connect SQL rule
constraints ruleAlways write constraints (in plural). One constraints rule can define many constraints.

A constraints rule is an instance of the Rule-Declare-Constraints rule type.

correspondence rule
edit input ruleAn edit input rule is an instance of the Rule-Edit-Input rule type.
edit validate ruleAn edit validate rule is an instance of the Rule-Edit-Validate rule type.
HTML fragment rule
HTML Property ruleThe HTML Property rule associated with a property determines the runtime presentation on a user form.
HTML ruleDo not write HTML Stream rule.
list view rule
Map eForm rule
Product ruleDo not write RAP or Rule-Admin-Product.
summary view ruleWrite summary view as two separate words (do not hyphenate).

Use the summary view rule form to define a custom or personal query.

text file rule
validate ruleA validate rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Validate rule type.
when condition rule

when condition

Identify the name of a when condition rule that…
XML rule

For an XML Parse rule (an instance of the Rule-Parse-XML rule type), use Parse XML rule.

An XML rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-XML rule type.

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