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Export to Excel cell style control added

If a column was formatted with an auto generated numeric control, a new cell style was generated for every row during the export to Excel process. Since there is a limit on the amount of cell styles, once the number of rows in the file was greater than 64000 an error was generated. To resolve this, the system will disable the creation of a new cell style for every instance when an auto-generated numeric control is used.

Broken Pipe exception in the logs

Frequent "connection reset by peers" exceptions were being generated and broken-pipe exceptions were seen in the logs. Investigation traced the issue to unhanded IOExceptions on the server side that were a result of the client application not always closing the TCP connection gracefully. To resolve this, error handling for IOExceptions has been improved.

Topic name prefix support added for Kafka

An enhancement has been added to support the use of site-specific standards for the naming of queues. This can be used to add clarification between Kafka Topics created by Pega and those created for internal topics when using a shared Kafka Cluster.

Support added for tracing PageList during automations

When using the out-of-the-box email reply on an email triage case, an exception was observed in the tracer stating " The property To.pxResults was of mode Page List while was expecting Java Object mode." This has been resolved by adding support for tracing PageList during automations.

Handling added for JSON with top level array

When using serialize mode in a JSON data transform where the Top element structure was Array and the “For JSON only” relation was selected for relation mode, the result had an incorrect JSON structure. In order to support this configuration, generatePropertyAsJSON has been amended to set isTopLevelPageList to true in instances where automap is off, the top level is an array, and the JSON context is updated within the first step.

Resolved putting JMS Message through JMS Listener interface

When using MS Listener integrated into Pega running on WebSphere Liberty, the listener was running correctly and able to consume JMS Messages. The JMS Listener ruleform provided options to browse and put JMS messages. However, when attempting to put a message into the destination queue, an error occurred. Investigation showed that if the resource lookup was using 'Resource references' on JMS Listener, the naming context was initialized with a null hashtable.

Handling added for passivated file upload and attach

When storage type repository was configured and any file type other than image was uploaded while pyIsStreamBasedUpload was set as true, uploading a file and keeping it idle for 15 minutes before clicking on attach caused pyattachInputStream to become null on the DragDropFileUpload pagelist. This caused an activityterminateException in tracer and the assignment was not submitted. This exception was due to a check in attachFile activity that calls terminateactivity when streambasedupload is true and attachinputstream is null.

Email listener updated to handle encoded MIME attachment

When processing an email with an attachment that was itself an encoded MIME part, the email listener generated a NullPointerException around an extraction error. Analysis showed that a content-type misled the system into thinking an attachment was another message part. To resolve this, has been modified to avoid attempting to process an attachment as a MessagePart if it cannot get the content of the part as a Message.

Check added for Repositories before saving attachment

When creating or updating a case through email listener, the Link-Attachment defaulted the pxStorageType to 'WebStorage'. This caused an issue when using PegaS3, which needs pxStorageType 'Repository'. To resolve this, a check has been added to see if Repositories are enabled, and if they are the storageType will be set accordingly.

Check added for Repositories before saving attachment

When creating or updating a case through email listener, the Link-Attachment defaulted the pxStorageType to 'WebStorage'. This caused an issue when using PegaS3, which needs pxStorageType 'Repository'. To resolve this, a check has been added to see if Repositories are enabled, and if they are the storageType will be set accordingly.
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