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Calculating properties in a case type

Updated on November 22, 2021

Save time and manage your case type resources efficiently by automatically calculating aggregated properties. You can calculate a property by sourcing values from other case types instead of asking users to provide values manually.

For example, in an Insurance claim case type, you can calculate the total insurance amount by adding the values for the insurance amount from Vehicle damage and Bodily injury child case types.
  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
  2. Expand the Process category, and then click Case Type.
  3. In the list of case type instances, select the case type that you want to edit.
  4. On the Calculations tab, in the Aggregate properties, expand the Property to calculate section.
  5. In the Calculated property field, enter a destination property that is a sum of other properties.
    Select a single value property of an integer or decimal type.
    For example: Enter TotalInsuranceAmount.
  6. In the Case type column, select a case type that stores a source property.
  7. In the Property column, enter the source property that you want to use to provide the value.
    For example: Enter VehicleDamageAmount.
  8. Optional: To add more properties, click Add property, and then repeat steps 6 through 7.
    For example: Add a BodilyInjuryAmount property.
  9. Optional: To add more aggregated properties, click Add calculation, and then repeat steps 5 through 7.
  10. Click Save.
For example: The following figure shows a total insurance amount calculated by aggregating vehicle damage and bodily injury amounts:
Calculating aggregated properties
A case type rule form configured to automatically calculate aggregated properties.

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