Harness and Section forms - Adding a Text Area control

A text area is an area in which the user types or pastes one or multiple lines of text, without formatting the text.

If formatting is required, use a Rich Text Editor control instead. If the text content is only a few words, use a Text Input control instead of the Text Area or Rich Text Editor controls.

A cell in a layout can present the value of a property as display-only or as an input field using the TextArea control, pxTextArea. You can configure a text area control, specifying the width, height, and maximum number of characters that users can enter into the text area. You can also display placeholder text and/or tooltips at runtime and configure actions based on events.

  1. From the Basic control group, select Text area.
  2. Drag the control into the layout, and then release the mouse button to drop the control.
    If you are using a cell-based layout and you drag the control into a cell that is not empty, then the dropped control replaces the current contents of the cell.
  3. Click the View properties icon to display the Properties panel and complete the following tabs:

The UI Gallery landing page contains a working example of this element. To display the gallery, in Dev Studio, click Configure > User Interface > Gallery > UI elements.

Use these Windows operations to speed development:
  • To move a cell containing a Text Area, select the cell and drag and drop it in another cell in the same layout or another layout.
  • To cut, copy, or paste a Text Area in a cell, right-click in the cell to access a context-menu.