Mobile app branding and layout

Before you build a mobile app, you can customize its branding and layout to meet your company's specific requirements. Upload images to Pega Platform, and then use them to customize the splash screen, application icon, and other branding assets.

You can choose between a layout that allows you to reuse an existing web portal, to import your existing mobile app, for example, from previous versions of Pega Platform, and deploy it instantly, and a layout that lets you prepare for future developments in Pega Mobile and use new features, such as navigation rules and native navigation elements.

On Android devices, you can additionally change the presentation of a mobile app by customizing the title and message of the notification that is displayed in the device notification area when the mobile app is in the background.

You can also set certain presentation settings, such as the default screen orientation or splash screen background color, at the mobile app executable files building stage. For more information, see the Overriding Channels and interfaces form settings with custom parameters Pega Community article.

Note: If you do not provide custom assets, your mobile app applies the default Pega branding.