Optimizing skins

Improve the performance of your application in browsers by optimizing skin rules. Skin rules create the CSS for your application, and when you reduce their size and complexity, the application can download and process the CSS file more efficiently.

  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
  2. Expand the User Interface category, and then click Skin.
  3. Open the skin that you want to edit.
  4. In the Included styles tab, clear the check boxes representing the components that you do not want to include in the skin.
  5. In the Component styles tab, remove or disable unused formats:
    • To remove a format permanently, delete the format.
    • To remove a format from the application CSS, but keep it for future use, disable the format.
    For more information, see Removing style formats.
  6. If formats in your application differ only slightly, consider using a CSS helper class instead of a new format.
    For more information, see CSS helper classes.
  7. Click Save.